Saturday, September 4, 2010

Guadalajara, Mexico: Part 4 The Food Makes It All Worth It

A typical Mexican breakfast and I love this stuff!

The first night in the house was rough I learned to sleep without the typical North American middle class trappings that we take for granted for example screens on your bedroom windows to keep out mosquitoes whose buzz sounded like a mini chain saw as they came closer and whose bits felt like a poorly trained nurse drawing blood from you. Equally problematic for a guy with ADD was no fan to cool you on a 90 ninety degree Mexican summer night and drown out the copious street sounds in an urban neighborhood in the second largest city in the Republic of Mexico. The next day I awoke to the most wonderful smell of refried beans, warm tortillas, and freshly made orange juice and salsa down stairs in the kitchen made up for the horrid night I experienced with the mosquitoes and the noise. At breakfast I met the other foreign students staying at the house (they were out on the town when I arrived the night before). There were 3 of us in all including a female co-ed from a southern school in the states I believe, a female Japanese student, and me. The others had advanced Spanish language skills and they served as my translators until I finally started to get my mind thinking in Spanish a bit and my tongue willing sounds it was not accustomed to make like the tough rr sound in Spanish.

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