Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are there Hoochie Mamas in Lacrosse? Part 2

The 1990 US Men's Lacrosse Team and coaching staff

So here goes my only experience with groupies in lacrosse experience, this happened in 1990 during the Lacrosse World Cup in Perth, Australia. My teammate Jim Burke told me a nice looking Aussie was interested in me and wanted to meet me outside of the locker room after a game. I was shocked to hear about and see this hoochie mama (as my southern wife calls aggressive seductively dressed women on the prowl)! So what did I do? I took a different exit and made a bee-line for the team bus avoiding her and others like her thereafter. You see, I’ve never been a player and when I entered graduate school to earn a doctorate degree in history starting in 1989, I made a decision not to enter a serious relationship, I needed to focus. Say what you want but I’ve seen a lot of folks get side tracked and derailed as doctoral students because of a love interest. I’ve also seen a number of marriages end in divorce while a spouse is working on a doctorate degree or immediately thereafter. My male friends thought I was crazy while some women thought I was gay. I was a hard earned B type of grad student with an occasional A. In the end the strategy worked; I completed my doctoral degree in history and I am happily married to a gorgeous and brilliant woman who has the green light to distract me just about any time she wants! My wife finished her doctoral studies in business at the Stern School of Business this past May and Babson College hired us both! It’s been a tough six years and I believe we lasted in part because I went through a doctoral program first and understood the time demands that she faced at each stage of the program. Staying focused is so important and hoochie mamas (and their male counter parts) can be a distraction to achieving one’s goals in life. Decisions are long lasting and life changing so it's best to make wise ones when it comes to relationships.

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