Friday, April 2, 2010

The Occupations of Lacrosse Players then and Now Part 2

While I played for the New York Saints, I taught and coached lacrosse at Hempstead High School in 1988 and 89. At the school I received great support from Buddy Krumenacker, Dean of Students and Head Varsity Football coach at Hempstead, High School. Among the students, Reggie Terry, who went on to Syracuse University on a Football scholarship, was a senior captain on the football team and parade All American linebacker. Reggie loved lacrosse and he knew of me from my playing days at Syracuse. Reggie came from a solid family and was wise and mature beyond his years. His classmates respected him and think he helped the other students understand who I was and what I was about. Both the football and basketball teams that academic year 88-89 did tremendously well with about four athletes earning Division 1 scholarships. In the spring about 6 of these superstar athletes played on my lacrosse team and all of them had played the game for several years before I arrived on the scene. These guys were incredible athletes and solid lacrosse players but with the exception of Reggie, they had a severe case of senioritis. Plus my predecessor seems to have run a lesser rigorous system and I came in young and foolish and tried to tighten the reins too much. More tomorrow

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